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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Postcard marketing for school assemblies. Does it work?

by David Jack, a three-time Parent's Choice award-winning, national children's recording artist. Find out information about him and his wildly-popular school assemblies at http://www.elementaryassembly.com.

I’ve been working this week on putting some promotional materials together for my school assembly shows. I’ve been racking my brain trying to find unique ways to get in front of the “decision makers.” Postcards have been around for years and years and although they don’t fit into the technology of present day, who knows… maybe “snail mail” might be just the thing that’ll separate me from the rest of the pack.

Even though I send my postcards to the individual schools, I don’t know REALLY know who receives it (i.e. who opens the mail at any particular school), but hopefully, that person will pass the postcard along to the correct party. I’ve found that there’s something about a piece of mail that makes it easier to “pass along” than an email (which sometimes can best be dealt with by simply hitting “delete.”)

I’ve been trying to create school assembly postcards that are not only visually interesting, but also include personal info about me, my school assemblies and that important “call to action” – “CALL NOW!” I’ve always agreed with the school of thought that humor sells and I try to come up with a humorous spin for my postcards. (Not always easy).

Doing a big mailing (5000) can be an expensive proposition, but making the investment has typically paid off for me. The campaign pays for itself, plus it brings in new business that could pay off for years to come. I look at it as an investment in my future.

To date, I’ve been using a company called Postcard Services out of Florida to do my mailings. The printing is very inexpensive and they handle all of the mailing services. I simply provide my school assembly mailing list in excel format. The only problem I’ve found is that their templates are fairly limited. The templates are the pre-designed cards from which I get my ideas for customizing my school assembly postcards.

If you’re familiar with my school assemblies and you think you have some creativity and would like to throw some ideas my way – I’m more than willing to at least give new school assembly ideas a listen (of course I can’t guarantee use).

Leave me your comments!


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